Dr. Sneha Bhavsar started her career as a Dermatologist in 2008 with the motto Better Skin through Science and Caring). For more than a decade, she has been considered as one of the most promising and talented Dermatology specialists in India. Dr Sneha has worked pan-India; from the serene hills of Manipur in the East to Western Ghats to the West India and from Plains of Punjab in the North to Deccan plateau to the South.
The versatility of her dermatological experience, Dr Sneha holds pan-India experience, working with renowned Dermatologist across the country and successfully treating patients of different states and ethnicity making her different from her peers and field experts.
Do you dread the winter months, especially the effect that cold weather has on your skin? We understand the harsh cold climate presents some truly annoying skincare challenges. It is no wonder our skin often ends up dry, flaky, itchy and dehydrated. Moreover, dryness triggers irritation in the skin.
These are some widespread concerns that impact individuals of all ages and with the drop of temperature, these skincare issues will intensify.
Moisturizers containing shea butter, paraffin, glycerin etc. help but the patient should seek proper consultation with a dermatologist to alleviate the symptoms. So, now it is right time to reinvent your skincare routine to combat extreme winter dryness and keep your skin glowing and healthy throughout the chilly weather.
If you have any questions about winter skincare, please seek an appointment with your dermatologist. During your consultation, your concerns will be evaluated and you will be recommended an ideal treatment plan.
Vitiligo is a skin condition in which white spots appear on skin surface, this is result of loss of melanocytes in the skin. It is autoimmune disease in which body’s immune system mistakenly attack healthy cells producing skin pigments melanin which gives colour to the skin. There are lot of doubts relating to Vitiligo which makes home for misconceptions, so knowing the fact and exact cause is important.
Some common myths and facts related to Vitiligo are:
• Myth1: Eating specific food combination causes Vitiligo.
Fact: Vitiligo is skin condition which is not affected by food, there are no specific food or combination of foods that causes Vitiligo.
It’s a myth that eating milk over fish, eating white coloured food or certain citrus food causes Vitiligo, there is no scientific study proving the same.
White Food/Citrus food and Vitiligo have no relation.
• Myth 2: Vitiligo is communicable or contagious.
Fact: Vitiligo does not spread through sharing utensils, cloth, sharing personal items, close contact, saliva, making sexual relation etc.
It is non communicable. This is mere a social belief and society should be educated for the same. People with vitiligo suffer from social discrimination resulting in depression,
so proper education about this disease is necessary.
Our nails are made from skin cells, and reflect our overall health. So, as we prioritise our skin care, nail care is equally important. Well-groomed nails are everyone’s favourite, they make appearance of your hands more youthful and also shield from infections. Here are some tips that you should include in your self-care for keeping your nails healthy.
· Keep nails Clean and dry:,br> Infection is very common because of dirty nails. Dirt beneath your nails is root cause of development of germs. Prolong exposure to moisture may also lead to development of split fingernails.
· Trim nails regularly:
Trim your nails regularly with sharp clipper and it is better to file your nails round from the corner for maximum strength. This will help avoiding ingrown nails. Don’t forget to cut and file toe nails, this will avoid injury. Best time to cut and file nails is right after bath as nails are much softer after bath.
· Use nail serum or nail oils:
Keeping nails moisturised is very important, this will not only strengthen nails but also repair damaged nails. There are many nail serums available in market, apart from that applying almond oil, olive oil , coconut oil or avocado oil can also be helpful.
जिम में त्वचा के संक्रमण(infection ) को रोकने में मदद के लिए त्वचा विशेषज्ञ निम्नलिखित युक्तियों की सलाह देते हैं:
ढीले-ढाले, नमी सोखने वाले कपड़े पहनें। यह आपकी त्वचा को खुष्क रखने में मदद करेगा और कीटाणुओं को बढ़ने से रोकेगा। अपने जिम के कपड़े पहनने के बाद उन्हें धोना न भूलें।
हमेशा जूते पहनें, खासकर पूल के आसपास और लॉकर रूम और शावर में। अपने जिम बैग में शॉवर शूज, फ्लिप-फ्लॉप या सैंडल की एक जोड़ी रखें। पब्लिक जिम में कभी भी नंगे पैर न चलें।
किसी भी कट को साफ और ढक कर रखें। जब तक आपका घाव ठीक नहीं हो जाता तब तक सौना, स्टीम रूम और हॉट टब के इस्तेमाल से बचें।
उपयोग करने से पहले और बाद में उपकरणों को कीटाणुरहित करें। कीटाणुनाशक वाइप्स या स्प्रे से उपकरण साफ करें। अतिरिक्त सुरक्षा के लिए आपकी त्वचा और साझा सतहों के बीच एक बाधा जोड़ने पर विचार करें, जैसे कि एक तौलिया, जैसे कसरत बेंच और साइकिल सीट। जब योगा मैट जैसे अपने खुद के उपकरण मुहैया कराना संभव हो, तो जिम का इस्तेमाल करने के बजाय इसे घर से लाएं।
अपने बालों से जितना हो सके रंग झाड़ ले जब तक रंग सूखा हो तब तक उसे हटाना आसान है | नहाने से पहले किसी पुराने तौलिये या नैपकिन से जितना हो सके रंग झाड़ ले
ठंडे पानी से धोऐ
अपने बालों को ठंडे पानी से धोएं | ऐसा करने से रंग आसनी से निकल जाता है इसके पशचात बालो को साफ करने के लिया मंद केसमार्जक (शैम्पू ) mild shampoo का प्रयोग करें |
कंडीशनर की मोटी परत लगाएं
जब आपने अपने बालो से रंग को अच्छे से धो दिया हो, तब अपने बालो मे ऊपर से नीचे तक गहना कंडिशनर की मोटी परत लगाएं
पर्याप्त मात्रा में पानी पिएं
होली के दौरान पानी पीना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है | क्योकि होली मे हम रंगो से खेलते वक्त ज्यादा तर समय धूप मे बिताते है, इसलिए हमारे शरीर को नम रहना जरूरी है | इस समय आपको अत्यधिक पानी पीना चाहिए अन्यथा थका हुआ और कमज़ोर महसूस करेंगे |
होली खेलने जाने से ठीक पहले , अपने सर की त्वचा पर अपने पसंदीदा तेल के साथ मालिश कीजिए जैसे की नारियल का तेल, जैतून का तेल या फिर बादाम का तेल | यह प्रक्रिया आपने बालो को रसायन से होने वाली हानि से बचाता है एवं आपके सर की त्वचा को पोषित करता है |
दोमुहे बालो को काट दीजिये
होली के रंगो मे रंगने से कुछ दिन पहले अपने दोमुहे बालो को काट ले | होली के रंग आपके बालों के सिरों को क्षतिग्रस्त कर देते है, जिससे आपके दोमुहे बाल और ज्यादा विभाजित हो जाता है |
अपने बालो को ढक कर या फिर बाँध कर रखे
अपने बालो को टूटने से बचाने के लिए चोटी बनाना सुनिशिचत करें | यदि आप यह नही करना चाहते, तो अपने बालों को केवल किसी सूती दुपटे से लपेट लीजिये |
Acne is a very common skin condition. This condition is most common in teenage and at some point of this time everyone has experienced acnes.
Let’s know what is acne and how it can be prevented. Main reason of acne formation is clogged pores.
Generally oily skin is linked with acnes but other skin types may also experience breakouts.
Acne occurs when combination of oil, bacteria and dead skin cells clogs the opening of hair follicles, because of which sebum get trapped in the pore and pops up on the skin surface as pimple.
There are many reasons of acnes like puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause, excessive oil production, dead skin and bacteria building in the pores and many more.
1. Stop using all actives and exfoliants 2 days prior to Holi.
2. No scrubbing should be done
3. No in clinic procedures such as peels and lasers should be done.
4. Moisturise your skin well with a thick moisturiser.
5. Use petroleum jelly to protect your lips, corner of mouth, eyes, nose and behind your ears
6. Cover your nails with transparent nail polish and extend it beyond nail margins
7. Slather yourself with liberal quantity of sunscreen. Don't forget your hands and feet.
8. Protect your hair by applying coconut oil all over your scalp and hair length.
9. Opt for full sleeve clothing, protective hairstyles such as buns and braids. You can use bandana and scarfs to protect your hair and don't forget your sunglasses.
Remember to be safe
Dust off color as much colour as you can
It is easier to remove the colour while it is still dry. Take old towels,
napkins and try to dust off as much of it as you can before getting
into the shower and getting wet.
Wash with cold water
Wash your hair with cold water as it removes the colours easily.
Then use a mild shampoo to cleanse the hair.
Apply thick layer of conditioner
Once you have washed off the colour from your hair, apply a thick
layer of intense conditioner all over the length of your hair.
Remain hydrated
Drinking water is vital during Holi. Since, we spend most of the time
under the sun while playing with colour, so our body needs to
remain hydrated. You should drink lots of water otherwise you will
feel tired and exhausted
Begin with a oil massage
Massade your scalp with any oil of your choice, like coconut, almond, or olive oil right before you go to play Holi. This protects your hair from getting damaged from the harsh chemicals and nourishes your scalp.
Chop off the split ends
A couple of days before you douse yourself in colour, get rid of your split ends. Holi colours leaves you with damaged ends, causing your hair to split way more than usual.
Always cover or tie your hair
Make sure to braid your hair te prevent breakage. If you really want to go the extra mile, simply wrap your hair up in a cotton scarf or cover it with a hat.
From common problems such as acne, under eye dark circles and fungal infections to birthmarks, white patches and scars, we have a custom treatment just for you. The range of techniques that we adopt and which you can choose from is quite wide.
Whatever the age of patients who walk into our facility, we endeavor to give them healthy, youthful skin that lasts. However, it is not just the needs of adults that we look after.
Skin Conditions We Treat
Some examples of skin conditions the Doctor treats:
• Acne
• Alopecia (hair loss)
• Atopic dermatitis
• Cloasma & Melasma (dark skin discoloration)
• Eczema
• Nail fungus & infections (e.g. paronychia)
• Pigmentation
• Psoriasis (red skin and irritation)
• Skin cancers
• Warts
• Vitiligo
My daughter was suffering with some rashes on her skin and had taken her to Dr. Sneha. She started feeling better within a day of the treatment and was completely alright in the next three days. Great treatment given by Dr.Sneha!!!
I consulted many skin specialists. Everyone just prescribe medicines but I don't get any benifit. My friend suggested to consult Dr. Sneha for my skin problem and I did. She diagnosed very well and start my treatment. I am very happy with her treatment. Giving 1000 /1000. Highly recommended by me for skin problems treatment
I was suffering from skin infection named warts just below my lip such was infection that I could not open my mouth.Dr. snehas treatment gave me relief injust one visit. The infection has tendency to reoccur but it has been healed completely. I would suggest that any one having any kind of skin problem should visit.
She is a wonderful doctor, have known her for years and taken treatment from her many times. She has sound professional knowledge, listens with interest and patience. She always guides the patient well. I would highly recommend her.
I have approached Dr Sneha for my Pimples and dandruff. I was suffering from these for years and the only effective solution was diagnosis and medicines from Dr Sneha. It really helped me to have better skin & hair without any other side effects. Thank you Dr Sneha!
Shop number 1 , opposite Kaki Pind Government school
besides Dominoes Pizza, near Indian Oil petrol pump
Rama Mandi , Jalandhar - 144005
Contact Number : 07588708354 / 09293400864
Email: dr.sneha.s.bhavsar@gmail.com
Monday to Friday
Morning 10AM to 1PM
Evening 4PM to 7PM
Saturday : Evening 5PM to 8:30PM