Dr. Sneha: Best Skin Specialist in Jalandhar

Skin Allergy Treatment

  • About Skin Allergy
Skin allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a perceived threat that would typically be harmless to your body. Common symptoms of a skin allergic reaction may include:
• Itching
• Redness
• Swelling
• Raised bumps
• Skin flaking
• Skin cracking (from dry skin)
The most effective way to avoid skin allergies is to limit or avoid contact with the allergen. But if you do come in contact with the allergen, there are home remedies for addressing the symptoms.

  • Causes of Skin Allergy
It can be caused due to the airborne allergens like pollens, animal dander or we can say dust mites.
• Certain foods can be allergic like peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish, egg or milk.
• Insects like bee stings or wasp sting can be a triggering factor.
• Can be because of some drugs and , injectable

  • Symptoms of a Allergic Reaction
• Hives (itchy red spots on the skin)
• Itching
• Nasal congestion (known as rhinitis)
• Rash
• scratchy throat
• Watery or itchy eyes
Severe allergic reactions can cause the following symptoms:
• Abdominal cramping or pain
• Pain or tightness in the chest
• Diarrhea
• Difficulty swallowing
• Dizziness (vertigo)
• Fear or anxiety
• Flushing of the face
• Nausea or vomiting
• Heart palpitations
• Swelling of the face, eyes, or tongue
• Weakness
• Wheezing
• Difficulty breathing
• Unconsciousnes

  • Treating Your Skin Allergies at Home
You can do some things to make it more comfortable in the meantime.
Avoid contact - It might sound obvious, but it's worth a reminder. You can't use or touch what triggers your allergy.
Chill out - A cool compress or shower can help calm a fiery rash. Gently pat dry and then moisturize.
Soak it - Colloidal oatmeal is oatmeal ground to a powder, so it mixes well with water. It can calm inflamed skin for some people. But other people can have reactions to it. To try it, use lukewarm water. If it's too hot, it can irritate and dry your skin.
Add anti-itch cream - Over-the-counter hydrocortisone or calamine lotion may relieve itching.
Don't wear tight clothes - They can irritate your rash. Play it loose and cool.
For severe symptoms, try a damp dressing - First find a soft cotton piece of clothing, like a long-sleeve T-shirt or long underwear. Soak it in water, wring it out, and then put it on. Wear something over it that's snug, but not too tight.